In Costa Rica, the agriculture sector is committed to fulfill international standards regarding sustainability practices. They understand that these important rules are part of their business. Farmers are working together to comply with the following:
Comply with all laws and regulations in force, especially all relevant social and environmental legislation applicable to our agribusiness operations.
Preserve natural resources: water, air and soil.
Promote the health and safety of the company associates.
Prevent the impact of pineapple related operations on the health and safety of humans (accidents and illnesses) and the environment (pollution), as well as contribute in the mitigation of the effects of climate change.
Protect the health and safety of all those who engage in the production or are influenced by pineapple related operations and offer internationally comparable levels of environmental protection.
Continuously improving the operations of the pineapple industry, considering issues as risk analysis, public interests of workers and the community, regulatory policies, and standards of international markets and organizations such as the World Health Organization.
Reduce solid and liquid waste.
Follow sustainable agriculture practices together with integrated pest management.
Use only crop protection products authorized by applicable National and International Laws.
Establish preventive actions to control and minimize erosion of the soils used for production.

Commitment to the Community

The companies pledge to work together with municipalities (local governments) and community organizations on social development, conducting activities such as repairing and maintaining roads, bridges, electric and telephone networks, water wells, rural aqueducts, recreational and relaxation areas.
They also contribute in the social and cultural transformation of the communities of influence by identifying their real needs and promoting sustainable human development of workers, their families, small producers related to the company, and the communities surrounding the area.
Child Labor
Companies pledge not to hire underage workers, except for atypical situations in which the Labor Code and the Childhood and Adolescence Code are strictly followed.
They will not hire underage children for heavy labor, or tasks that are hazardous, unsafe or unhealthy.
Workplace Health and Safety

The companies, considering general industry risks as well as any other specific risk, pledge to establish a healthy and safe work environment and implement proper measures to prevent work-related accidents and illness, limiting labor risks as much as possible.
They guarantee that every employee, including new hires, receives training on workplace health and safety. The companies keep hygienic restrooms and baths for the use of all personnel, guaranteeing access to drinking water, and where appropriate, food storage installations under necessary sanitary conditions.

Pineapple plantation