Florida Products Integrated Policy
Please read Florida Products Integrated Policy, please click here.
Para leer la Política Integrada de Florida Products, por favor haga clic aquí.
Code of Conduct, Ethics and Social Responsibility at Florida Products
If you would like to know about our Code of Conduct, Ethics and Social Responsibility at Florida Products please click this link. Please click here.
Si desea conocer nuestro Código de Ética, Conducta y Responsabilidad Social por favor ingresar al siguiente link. Haga clic aquí.
Certified with Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC).
If you would like to know about BASC please click the image or this link. Please click here.
Si desea conocer más sobre BASC por favor haga clic sobre la imagen o haga clic aquí.
FSSC 22000
Certification Scheme for food safety systems including ISO 22000:2005, ISO 22002-1:2009 and additional FSSC 22000 Requirements.

Kosher certified This products meeting the strictest standards of Kashrus

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the most commonly used international standard that provides a framework for a quality management system.

Halal Certification. Assurance that a particular product has been thoroughly investigated and found to conform to the Islamic Shariah Laws and therefore is suitable for use by Halal consumers.

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 Provides practical tools for companies and organizations looking to identify and control their environmental impact and constantly improve their environmental performance.

Kiwa BCS
Kiwa BCS OEKO-GARANTIE reflects the commitment to support the growing organic market by maintaining consumer confidence in compliance with organic guidelines along the entire supply chain, in the case of Florida Products as processors.

Rain Forest
Rain Forest Alliance this seal reflects the commitment of Florida Products to process product from certified farms RFA (environmental, social and economic sustainability) according to its chain of custody policy in order to protect the credibility of the Rain Forest seal that will appear only in products from certified farms.
If you would like to know about RFA please on the image.
Si desea conocer más sobre RFA haga clic sobre la imagen.
If you would like to know about our RFA Policy please click here.
Para conocer nuestra Política RFA haga clic aquí.
Carbono Inventario
Greenhouse Effect Gas Inventory: This verification indicates that Florida Products has quantified the inventory of emissions that impact the environment and are generated as part of its operation. This is based on the ISO 14064-1 standard, which is part of the Carbon Neutrality Country Program, in Costa Rica.

SGF Irma
SGF this certification indicates the compliance with legal and industrial quality and safety European standards and our compromise with a safe and fair worldwide fruit juice market.

ISO 50001-A
ISO 50001 provides requirements for establishing, managing, and improving energy consumption and efficiency.
It helps to evaluate and prioritize the implementation of new energy efficiency technologies and to improve the use and consumption of energy, promoting the best practices and behaviors in energy management and consumes a framework to promote energy efficiency throughout the supply chain.