Aseptic Carrot Puree

Product Details

Ideal as premium ingredient for soups, beverages, sauces, bakery, extruded snacks, dips and smoothies. Further processing into high quality for products: pastas, cookies, muffins, breads and nutrient supplements
Carrot (Daucus carota)
-Color / appearance: Typical cooked Carrot
-Flavor: Typical cooked Carrot
Product is packed in aseptic bag with a polyethylene liner inside a metal drum. Materials used are suitable for food contact. Each unit is labeled with a unique serial number, net weight, production date, codes and manufacturer’s address, country of origin, used by, traceability data and other relevant information.
Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature (below 25°C), since manufactured date in unopened units (this is refer to a microbiological stability).
Color can suffer slight changes when near to the end of shelf life. Product is transported in clean and closed container with a seal security at the doors.

Product Description

Aseptic Carrot Puree is prepared by mechanical means, from the vegetables grown in Costa Rica, from NOT genetically manipulated plants, processed in accordance with high food safety compliance and high quality norms to maintain, in its entirety, the aroma and flavor.

Product is suitable for human consumption and it is free of foreign materials, microbiological contamination, toxics substances and is free from antifoaming agent.